Photographers share copyright infringement woes with lawmakers

Does current copyright legislation always protect small creators like you? No. That’s why PPA is working so hard to have the professional photographer’s voice heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill.

Yesterday PPA CEO David Trust moderated a Creative Rights Caucus lunch-and-learn event, “The Art of Photography: Behind the Lens,” which gave panelists and renowned professional photographers Anne Geddes, Michael Grecco, and Denis Reggie the opportunity to tell lawmakers their stories—how they got their starts in photography, how they were able to establish themselves in the field, and what challenges they continually face in trying to protect themselves from copyright infringement.

PPA hopes their personal stories will drive home how difficult it is for a small business creator to fight infringement. The small claims process PPA has proposed for copyright reform would make it much easier for a photographer to confront someone who has infringed upon their work.

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